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About Me

The goal is to make your life better, not just your body, but your life.

Anthony Delamare

My Name is Anthony Delamare.

I'm a level 3 personal trainer and online health and fitness coach. But getting here didn’t come easy. I wasn’t the fit, slim kid growing up; quite the opposite in fact. I wasn’t naturally sporty with a tan and a six pack and I didn’t get into to personal training from having a natural physical gift. In fact I was named banana foot at school for my football skills, or lack thereof! I was the kid that conveniently didn’t have his gym kit for a whole year to save the embarrassment of the changing rooms and exposing my ‘jelly belly’ as they called it. I come from a place where I know what it’s like to struggle with food (I struggled my way through many portions each day), struggle with body fat (just hoping that 40 sit ups would get me slim and lean just wasn’t helping) and to struggle with health (suffering with serious chest infections for 10 months of the year).

I started my career as a personal trainer and health coach in a very non-conventional way, it kind of happened through constant hurdles and problems I faced with my own body. From a young weight lifter suffering with slipped discs at just 18 years old, the doctor telling me I if I didn’t improve my nutrition I would likely suffer with type 2 diabetes, to ripping a muscle in my chest from doing poor technique on a bench press, I had to learn how to train properly or I was going to continue to suffer serious injuries.


I did manage to get fit, lean and strong only to end up losing it again with 34lb weight gain after having kids (and I didn’t even carry them!). I went back to low energy and constant ill health. It's been a very long journey and probably one that's very familiar for many of you.

But I didn’t give up, I found a way to turn my experiences and my knowledge to my advantage…

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Now, before I tell you how I changed myself and have subsequently spent 20 years helping and coaching people to better bodies, I want to tell you something I learnt regarding 'health'. You see, there is an ‘exact formula’ for you to become your very best; for you to become your healthiest, your happiest, your strongest, your leanest, and for you to own your health and fitness. My goal is simple; to help you code this formula into your life so you can get the most out of every day and even every moment in your life.

Yes, today I live a healthy life, but I struggled the same as anyone and I needed help to figure out what to do. When I lost motivation, got injuries from the wrong workouts, when I wasn’t losing weight or when I was getting ill and fat due to the wrong diet, I would sort the most experienced people I could find; the people at the top of the mountain in their fields who knew how to overcome each and every problem I faced.  I made these people my mentors; I studied with them and got personally coached by them. This didn’t just help me understand the issue and overcome my personal struggles with my body, it helped me see that many people were making the same mistakes as I was.

Listen, I spent thousands of hours and over 23 years learning about the body. I used to get sucked in to the constant never ending trends of mixed messages like many of us; eat this, do that, stretch here, train then, fast daily, don’t fast, you only need bananas to live, bananas make you fat, no green bananas are good but yellow ones make you fat… and so on…. ugh, it’s bloody exhausting isn’t it! For everything you could possibly learn there will be someone else debunking it! I was like a dog in a park pricking up his ears every time he hears a squirrel. I was following every trend that offered the next big solution, but it was making me worse physically. It was leading me away from what I really needed to do, which was to focus on my own body and what I need to do to change my fitness for good in a way that worked for my lifestyle. I had to look at me first and I needed help from the people that knew to get there.


"My goal is simple; to help you code this formula into your life so you can get the most out of every day and every moment in your life".



It’s (not) all about dieting...


Perhaps you’ve heard the saying the best diet is the one that works for you. Sure that kind of makes sense. But the truth is that the best diet gives you constant energy, gives you the right macro and micro nutrients, suits your taste, suits your timing, suits your bodies unique nutritional needs, and suits your workout plan for better performance. I am making it sound complicated because, when it comes to cracking the code, the most important part, in fact the only important part is ‘you’. But to know what ‘the best diet is for you’ means you must actually look beyond eating what you enjoy, and start understanding how your hormones, genetics, stress, timing and exercise all affect the results you get. It certainly was that way for me. I tried the keto diet and was constantly suffering with indigestion. Then on a Vegan diet my energy just crashed and this had an impact on my exercise performance and my sleep. I then tried crossfit training and suffered more injuries.

Now, this isn’t to say that these approaches are wrong or even that they might be wrong for you. It simply meant I had to address some of the underlining issues in my nutrition, my health and joints on a very individual basis before I was going to overcome the problems and build a healthy body that works for me. For example, if I was to give you my diet it wouldn’t likely work for you. For me, I wake up and fast (skip food) 3 times per week and I focus a lot of my nutrition on mixed foods (protein, fats, carbs and mixed colour veg), with keto breakfasts (no carbs) for more fat loss. I then stop eating at 7pm at the latest and remove carbs from my evening meal (apart from my Saturday cheat meal  as this keeps me motivated). I also take vitamins and increase them when I see the warning signs my body needs more help. Plus, I have a combination of live yogurt, kefir and green apples each day to keep my gut in check (I noticed when I didn’t have a combination of the right prebiotics and probiotics I would suffer with getting run down and get many issues with bloating and digestion related problems).


So, for me the code is one of being flexible and listening to my body and using mixed diet methods. After years of operating this way it’s autopilot for me now, but it took a lot of time, pain, money and experts to get me here and into the habit! My diet seems random to most, but it’s the right code for me and it’s the only one that has ever worked long term.

Train hard is (not) the only way...


What about training? Well, I do a collection of corrective exercises to address weaknesses, stiffness and prior injuries (like the slipped disc I suffered at 18 from doing deadlifts horribly wrong). I do this before all activities to help prepare my body and avoid injury. My body is better suited to weight lifting and short bursts of explosive exercise and responds well to training around 3-4pm at least 3 - 4 days per week. I work on the other area’s like cardio fitness too, but this type of training delivers the best results for me.  


Training for you might be totally different. But, it’s not as simple as push hard, no, it’s just not: if you have imbalances you may occur many injuries (trust me, I have helped people nurse thousands of them from poor training). What if you have conditions, or serious injuries, postural imbalances, or what if your body is best suited to lifting than it is running or visa versa?


When I first started as a fitness instructor, I was only concerned about what people wanted. A six-pack or weight loss for their holidays was a common theme. My job was to make people happy and although I always felt that something was fundamentally wrong with the approach, it seemed to help with my clients motivation in the short term (when the goal is short, like a holiday in two weeks people find it easier to motivate to a short timeline). The issue is that this approach to training, whereby you are working towards a short term goal often leads people to lose whatever they’ve gained in muscle tone, weight loss and energy after the goal has been achieved - a little like losing weight for a holiday and stuffing your face when you’re there and gaining it all back again, rendering all that hard work redundant. We've all been there! By all means you can aim for a six-pack or certain body style;but  we just need a manageable and long term approach that works for you and your health.


The goal is to make your life better, not just your body, but your life. For you to feel like you eat and move well every day and don’t feel like you are depriving yourself, or punishing yourself. You are enjoying the hell out of life and your body looks great, you can be confident with your top off on the beach, your energy is constant and high, your body is strong and healthy and your fitness is great! And... you have learnt how to take ownership over your body, you have learnt the right code for you to eat and move at your best as a way of life, not just for 2 weeks before a summer holiday. 


The issue is that this approach to training, whereby you are working towards a short term goal often leads people to loss whatever they gained in muscle tone, weight loss, energy after the goal has been achieved, a little like losing weight for a holiday and stuffing your face when your there and gaining it all back again, rendering all that hard work redundant.


The goal is to make your life better, not just your body, but your life. For you to feel like you eat and move well every day and don’t feel like you are depriving yourself, or punishing yourself, you are enjoying the hell out of life and your body looks great, you can be confident with your top off on the beach, your energy is constant and high, your body is strong and healthy, your fitness is great… And you have learnt how to take ownership over your body, you have learnt the right code for you to eat and move at your best.

Listen, I have helped thousands of people, I've even created a popular exercise system called 7 Minute Mornings to help people build exercise as a daily habit which is helping thousands of people every day too. And being a qualified advanced personal trainer, life coach, NLP practitioner and lifestyle and nutrition coach gives me qualification to say I can help you. This is where my passion lies; I want to help. But more than that, I think the real expertise isn’t just from what you read, it’s what you experience and from my experiences I know that the only way to truly help is to use my knowledge to help show you the right way to eat, move and be healthy. In truth, I don’t inherently like exercise, I hate dieting with a passion, or eating boring food, I am lazy by nature, yet I have found the right code that works for me. You have one too, you have a diet and exercise plan that fits into your lifestyle that can change your body and life like thousands of others...


So, do you want to learn the right code for you?

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