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 Meet Nicola... 

client before and after

More than the improved energy, health, diet and fitness, he has managed the impossible; I now enjoy exercise. Which hadn’t happened for 20 years.

Nicola Percy

Hi, I am Nicola Percy, I have a very typical story. I work long hours. So much so, I often forget about eating a proper lunch, I rarely eat breakfast, I move very little and as a result I rely on carbs to get me through my afternoons and evenings – resulting in me feeling tired, sick and looking puffy in all the wrong places.


It got to the point whereby all of my clothes, even the loose fitting ones were tight around the stomach (my problem area). I remember, I was having a particularly hard morning, nothing was fitting properly and I bumped into a neighbour, he recommended Anthony and I knew I needed some help so I contacted him the same day. I had to do something and quick while I still felt motivated.


When I first met him I expected a Sargent Major type guy to walk in, give me my orders and put me through my paces until I cried. Which wouldn’t have gone down well at all! Thankfully, he wasn’t like that at all. He took time to understand what I needed from him, what my practical limitations were and assessed my diet, lifestyle and posture. He then explained what was needed for me to see the result I wanted.


It was clear. I started a new job at the same time of starting a diet and exercise plan. It was a challenge and I found myself trying to get fit and trying to manage the intense new job the same time. Something had to give and unfortunately it was the exercise – it’s the last to come and first to go right!? It was stop, start. However, even with only following a few of the required changes I was still getting slimmer. It gave me hope and helped me to focus.

One particular change that really helped my stomach to shrink was (no carbs after 8pm). Combined with water first thing and it had a very big impact on my sleep, my energy and my fat loss. Anthony introduced me into a way of life. Eating, moving, resting for what works best for my body. You see, I was snacking on carbs and my insulin was spiking constantly. So I’m told! I had no idea. He claimed that fat around the stomach was linked to frequent insulin spikes. He helped me control my insulin in a manageable way, one that was realistic for me.


I understand now. That the way I feel, eat, move and rest will have a very real impact on my waistline, health, energy levels and even productivity. With Anthony’s patience and help I have gained control of my body, fitness and health. I would describe his approach as scientific with a very individualised approach. He takes into account many factors of your life so you can best navigate your way to a slimmer body.


Though, more than the improved energy, health, diet and fitness, he has managed the impossible; I now enjoy exercise. Which hadn’t happened for 20 years.

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